Our Walk-A-Thon is already next Friday, May 12th!
Please pay careful attention to the following reminders:
- Dismissal is at 12:15pm on Friday. Students who are not picked up by 12:30pm will be sent to day care.
- Any parents who would like to help their child’s class walk to Bishop Conaty must let the teacher know ahead of time (Must be fingerprinted).
- Student envelopes and permission slips must be turned in by Thursday, May 11th. Extra copies can be found in the office.
- Students are welcomed to bring their own blanket/snacks for the picnic. Taquitos, nachos, and drinks will be sold for $1.
- We are excited to have the Hawaiian Shaved Ice Truck on our campus from 11:00am-1:00pm! (Available after school for parents)
o Each cup is $4 and students can choose up to two flavors.
o Students must bring their money and fill out the order form with their flavors (attached).
o Parents are welcomed to buy shaved ice as well!
o Remember, 20% of sales will be donated to St. Thomas!
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to another fun and exciting day with the St. Thomas Community!