At St. Thomas we believe that spiritual formation is not separate from academic development. St. Anselm of Canterbury said that faith seeks understanding, therefore, an active Love of God seeks a deeper academic knowledge. A true Catholic School prepares each child to be college ready, career ready, and most importantly heaven ready. Our mass, retreats, and religious education program all lead each student into a personal experience with Christ. In knowing Jesus, we form true servants of the Church. We are confident that “Love for and fidelity to the Church is the organizing principle and the source of strength of a Catholic School” (The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, 44)
Sacraments and Retreats:
The Sacrament of Baptism is offered to all students from kindergarten to eighth grade. Formation of parents and godparents is available through the school and Parish.
First Communion
Our first communion program begins in the second grade and is open to all students who have not received their first communion. We offer retreats for both parents and students in preparation for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Eighth Grade Retreat
Our eighth grade retreat is the culminating spiritual event at our school. The theme of the retreat is to recognize God’s love through relationships with family, friends, teachers and the greater St. Thomas Community.
Catholic Social Teaching:
Respect for Life Week
Respect Life Week (RLW) is a joint project of the Department of Catholic Schools and the Office of Life, Justice and Peace. RLW immerses Catholic elementary, middle and high school students in the understanding of the dignity of every human person and our call to proclaim the Gospel of Life in our community. RLW is a cross-curricular program. Teachers, campus ministers, and administrators are encouraged to work together to make the week meaningful and impactful for our students.
Service Learning Project
As a requirement for graduation, students participate in a service learning project through various community partners and outreach programs.
Weekly School-Wide Mass
Parents are encourages to join the students and families for the school liturgy every Friday morning and on special occasions. Each grade is given the opportunity to lead a school mass which includes reading the scripture passages and prayer intentions. Father Mario creates a personalized mass and interactive homily that reflects that Sunday’s liturgical celebration.
Monthly Sunday Mass
During the school year, the 9:30am mass is designated as a school mass. Students are encouraged to attend mass at St. Thomas Church with their parents, grandparents, and friends. It is a special time that strengthens the bond with our faith community. Please refer to the school calendar for the upcoming school masses.